Psychotherapy & Counseling
Self & Relationships
Psychotherapy & counseling for individuals, couples, & families
Dr. Gildston: Professional Member: American Psychological Association, American Counseling Association; Diplomate: American Psychotherapy Association, American Academy of Pain Management; Dr. Gildston: Board Certified: American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, APA, EMDR International Association; Fellow: National Anger Management Association.
Individuals (All Ages):
- Challenges:
- Self-esteem Problems
- Self-confidence Issues
- Troubled Motivation
- Fears
- Public Speaking
- Dental/Surgical
- Heights
- Flying
- Driving
- Insects
- Animals
- The dark
- Imaginary creatures
- Illness
- Death
- Sexual
- Commitments
- Chronic Pain
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Phobias
- Social Anxiety
- Generalized Anxiety
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Depression
- Loss/Grief
- Potency/Frigidity
- Assertiveness/Passivity
- Procrastination
- Boredom
- Bad habits
- Addictions
- Bereavement
- Loneliness
- School/Career
- Unwanted patterns of behavior
- Anger Management
- Autism

Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has headed advanced professional workshops (some in conjunction with a psychiatrist) on the following topics, among many others:
- “Psychodynamic approaches in individual counseling.”
- “Psychotherapy for children of separation and divorce.”
- “Withdrawal and delinquency in adolescents: Is there a ‘best’ therapeutic approach?”
- “Bereavement counseling.”
- “Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD.”
- "How to "act" in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy."
- "How would Socrates react to DBT?"
Dr. Gildston is certified at the highest level in IMAGO RELATIONSHIP therapy. These special techniques significantly improve couples’ communication and connection.
Psychology Today has this to say about IMAGO RELATIONSHIP therapy:
“Imago relationship therapy is a form of couples counseling and coaching that helps those in committed relationships work out their misunderstandings, reduce conflict, and rediscover ways to bond, communicate, and find common ground. Much of the work in Imago workshops and private therapy involves learning to recognize how early childhood relationship experiences affect how we communicate, behave, and respond to others in adult relationships.”
We specialize in helping you: Repair breakdowns in communication--verbal and nonverbal; Lift the veil from understanding your partner's emotional reactions.
- Challenges:
- Role perceptions & biases
- Money
- Sex
- Infidelity
- Jealousy
- Commitment
- Abuse
- Work
- Chores
- Boredom
- Power plays
- Misunderstandings
- Differing interests
- Ethnic and religious differences
- Children
- Parents
- In-laws
- Other relatives and friends
- Detrimental patterns of behavior.
- Anger Management

Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has presided over workshops (some in conjunction with a psychiatrist) on the following topics, among many others:
- “Infidelity: What is the solution for YOU?”
- “Why couples squabble over money and sex.”
- “Couples counseling.”
- “Rational Emotive Therapy for troubled relationships.”
- “Mental health and interpersonal communication: A skills training Workshop.”
- "The Oprah Effect: Imago Relationship Therapy"
- “Is it what I say or how I say it?”
- Why IMAGO RELATIONSHIPS therapy brings couples closer together.
- Relationships:
- Parent-parent
- Parent-infant
- Parent-child
- Parent- adolescent
- Parent-stepchild
- Parent-adult child
- Siblings
- Nuclear family as a whole
- Blended Families
- Divorced-Remarried
- Grandparents-parents
- Grandparents-grandchildren
- In-laws-parents
- Other significant relatives and friends
- Extended families
- Challenges:
- Misunderstandings
- Biased role perceptions
- Privacy vs. Need to know
- Ethnic/Religious differences
- Finances: Control & Budgeting
- Power plays
- Chores/Responsibilities
- Commitment
- Work Time vs. Family Time
- Love
- Guilt
- Fear/Anxiety
- Abuse
- Alliances/Scapegoats
- Dysfunctional patterns of behavior
- Anger Management

Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has headed workshops (some in conjunction with a psychiatrist) on the following topics, among many others:
- “Issues with In-laws, grand-parents, and the extended family.”
- “Imminent divorce or separations: What about the children?”
- “Family therapy a la Minuchin.”
- “Systems interventions for families in crisis.”
- “The role of interpersonal communication in psychotherapy for families.”
MARRIAGE & FAMILY THERAPIES: Dr. Gildston: Professional Clinical Member and Board Certified, American Association of Marriage & Family Therapy (AAMFT)
To be CERTIFIED by the AAMFT, therapists must have completed extensive AAMFT approved training and provided evidence of broad experience employing systems theory intervention techniques with couples and families.

The many varied approaches to marriage and family therapy (MFT) demand expertise on the part of therapists in knowing how to pick and choose among them to meet clients' needs. Our therapists are familiar with the full array of MFT approaches, from Minuchin to Feminism.
Our director, Dr. Gildston, presented a professional workshop at the 2009 Annual Conference of the American Association of Marriage & Family Therapy (AAMFT) entitled "Why family therapy for eating disorders is the way to go." (Please see Couples and Families above, under Counseling and Psychotherapy for other workshops presented by Dr. Gildston.
Parenting Challenges: Do you???????
- Respect your child and expect respect from your child?
- Take time to observe your child, without interruption, to understand better her moods, abilities, temperament?
- Listen carefully to what your child says before responding
- Acknowledge and accept your child’s feelings?
- Understand that your tone of voice, facial expression, and body language are more powerful than the words you utter?
- Recognize that your own attitudes and behaviors serve as models for your child?
- Take time to think through your responses to questions and demands?
- Try to match the speed of your reactions to that of your child?
- Make clear your expectations?
- Set appropriate limits?
- Rush in to solve all of your child’s challenges?
- Give up your life for your kids?
- Foster as much independence as possible?

Good parenting families come in all shapes and sizes.

Well… maybe time-out instead of the rod…but you get the point.
Conquering Parenting Challenges:
Stating the challenges is MUCH easier than actually conquering them. REMEMBER: NO PARENT IS PERFECT. You will make mistakes.
Come to our Center with your serious parenting issues. We will tailor make potential solutions for you. Imagine what your life will be like once you’re on the road, moving in the right direction.
Parenting skills are passed down from parents to children. That’s why parenting is an important skill. It only takes one generation to not pull its weight. The damage is passed down to your children’s children. Consequences can be monumentally negative.

Something’s not right.

The stats are startling but single moms CAN turn out great kids!
We can help that happen.

You’ve heard it before… A picture is worth a thousand words!

Can you say it any better?
Because we have over 20 years’ experience guiding moms and dads grow healthy children, you can be assured we will guide you in the right direction.
Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has chaired and participated in the following workshops on parenting, among many others:
- “Overprotection and its discontents.”
- “Effects of frequent marital blow-outs on the kids.”
To improve morale and thereby increase output efficiency, we evaluate, analyze, report on, and teach how to minimize interpersonal stresses and conflicts within and between:
- Individuals within departments
- Different departments
- Hierarchical ranks from the highest administrative to the new working recruit levels
For example, a supervisor may be unaware that when he purposefully or unconsciously intimidates a worker, he is likely to impede the worker's productivity or creativity. On the other hand, the worker may not know how to cope effectively with such abuse.
Group programs are customized to reduce stress and create harmony. Thereby such programs enhance morale and increase productivity.