Division IV
Division IV: Communication Skills.
- Interpersonal Communication: Enhancement of Business, Personal, & Performance Communication Skills.
- Dramatic Coaching: Beginners to Full-Fledged Professionals.
- Speaking Skills: Speech, Voice, & Accent Correction.
- Communication Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment for Speech, Language, & Swallowing Disorders.
- Learning Disabilities: Diagnosis and Treatment.
- Hearing Impairment: Rehabilitation for Tinnitus & Communication Problems Related to Hearing Loss.
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: Enhancement of Business, Personal, & Performance Communication Skills:
Business, Career, Human Relations, & Personal Coaching:
Our Director, Dr. Gildston, in addition to earning 4 therapeutic licenses, is also a licensed Real Estate Broker with over 20 years of business experience shared with her late husband. She can help you make a bigger bang in whatever endeavor you are contemplating or directly dealing with.
We are Consultants to Industry in Relational & Communication Skills.
- We help maximize your unique potential for relating to others in different environments in a personable, informed, dynamic manner.
- We aim to enable you to maximize positive impressions and self-empowerment through training in life coaching and multiple communication styles applicable for differing occasions and tasks:
- Development of goals.
- Job searches.
- Resume writing.
- Interviewing and being interviewed.
- Salary negotiation.
- Supervision.
- Corporate & executive training.
- Conflict & stress management.
- Motivational speaking.
- Retirement planning.
- Extracurricular activities, interests, and hobbies.

Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has headed advanced professional workshops on the following topics, among many others:
- “Life coaching: Take a better path to fulfillment.”
- “Role-playing professional interviews.”
- “Motivational speaking: are you up to it?”
- “On the job conflict and stress management.”
Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has made over 150 professional presentations before all types of audiences. She can train you to speak with authority and confidence while remaining relaxed and in touch with your audience.
- We help you organize & develop content for presentations.
- We give you skills that will improve voice projection, rhythm, and speed.
- We have specialized techniques which will allow you to diminish anxieties & fears about public speaking.
- We teach about body language, gesture, and facial expression; speakers learn to use effectively these typically unconscious means of communication.
- We show you how to incorporate into presentations humor, stories, & figures of speech (such as analogies & metaphors) to spice your presentations.

DRAMATIC COACHING: Beginners to Full-Fledged Professionals.
- Acting techniques may be taught to enhance the effectiveness of public speaking presentations.
- Our acting coaches can prepare you for auditions.
- We coach beginners and full-fledged professionals on a one-on-one individual basis.
Our Director, Dr. Gildston, whose first profession was stage acting with an avant-garde theater group called “The Living Theater,” can help prepare you for the most challenging auditions and acting roles.

SPEAKING SKILLS: Speech, Voice, & Accent Correction:
Training for those who wish to change the manner in which they say their words or use their voice.
Typically the following areas are addressed:
- Dialect changes from parochial dialects such as "New Yorkese" or "Southern Drawl" to General American ("Broadcast") speech.
- Foreign accent reduction or elimination.
- Elimination of unwanted mannerisms of speech:
- Fillers like "you know" or "uhm"
- Distracting body language, gesturing, or facial expressions
- Improvement of vocal tone, projection, speed

COMMUNICATION DISORDERS: Diagnosis & Treatment for Speech, Language, & Swallowing Disorders.
We diagnose and treat, on an individualized basis, the following communication disorders:
Dr. Gildston is Board Certified by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.
- Articulation Disorders: Immature or defective production of sounds, like lisping;
- Swallowing Disorders: such as tongue thrust and reverse swallow, which may affect the articulation of sounds and (or) the stability of teeth (with or without orthodontia), using oral myofunctional therapy.
- Dysarthrias: associated with conditions such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson's, & Alzheimer's, or following neurological insults, such as birth traumas, accidents, strokes.
- Aphasias: following cerebro-vascular accidents (strokes).
- Developmental, Psychological, & Cognitive Communication Disorders: such as language delay, apraxia, autism, Asperger's, pervasive developmental disorder.
- Voice Disorders: resulting from trauma, vocal abuse, oral, pharyngeal or laryngeal cancer.
- Rhythm Disorders: such as stuttering & cluttering.
Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has presided over advanced professional workshops on the following topics, among many others:
- “Training in social communication issues for autism and Asperger’s disorders.”
- “Psychotherapeutic strategies for the prevention of stroke.”
- “Counseling the communicatively impaired and their families.”
- “Stuttering: A symposium.”
- “Self management contingencies for the stabilization of a modified vocal pattern.”
Dr. Gildston coauthored (with her late husband) the following articles:
“Stutterers Self-Acceptance and Perceived Parental Acceptance.” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 72 (1) Feb., 1977, 59-64.
“Hypnotherapeutic Intervention for Voice Disorders Related to Recurring Juvenile Laryngeal Papillomatosis.” The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 1992, Vol. XL. No. 2, 74-87.
“A Test for the Differential Diagnosis of Anomia.” The Proceedings of the 18th Congress of the International Association of Logopaedics and Phoniatrics, Vol. II: Speech-Language-Hearing, Rockville, Maryland American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1981, 583-88.
Book Review on “The Psycholinguistic Nature of the Reading Process.” (Kenneth S. Goodman, Ed.) Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1978, 347pp). Published in the Journal of Communication Disorders.
LEARNING DISABILITIES: Diagnosis & Treament.
We diagnose and treat All Learning Disabilities: Including:
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).
- Attention Deficit-Hyperactive Disorder (AD-HD)
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD)
- Autism (and related disorders)
- Asperger's
- Central Auditory Disorders (listening & comprehending)
- Dyslexia (reading)
- Dysgraphia (writing)
- Dyscalculia (arithmetic & number skills)
- Delayed language (also see Communication Disorders above)
- Time/Space (reading maps, getting lost, understanding time of day or seasons, for example)
- Mimesis (difficulty reading or producing appropriate facial expressions)
- Poor Organizational Skills
- Underdeveloped social skills
Dr. Gildston has presented advanced professional workshops (some in conjunction with a psychiatrist) on the following topics, among many others:
- “Psychotherapeutic intervention for ADD and related adjustment disorders.”
- “Testing for Central Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD).”
- “The learning disabled CAN succeed!”

Doctor Gildston has limited her audiology practice to Rehabilitation for Tinnitus & Communication Problems Related to Hearing Loss. She and her late husband have presented on “The treatment of Tinnitus” at annual conventions of the American Speech/Language Association (ASHA) and The Acoustical Society of America (ASA).
Dr. Gildston is Board Certified in Audiology by the American Board of Audiology and is a professional member of American Academy of Audiology
Dr. Gildston co-authored (with her late husband) the following article:
“Personality Changes Associated with Surgically Corrected Hypoacusis.” Audiology ,11, 1972, 354-367.