Division III

Self Development Skills

Division III: Self Development Skills.


For any sport, research shows that guided imagery and hypnosis can help athletes attain effortless concentration and maximum performance. Teaching self-hypnosis as well is a key component for clients.

  • These techniques can help you train your mind to:
    • Streamline skills & focus on the goal, even as you go with the flow
    • Enhance confidence
    • Take reasonable risks
    • Cope with minor pains and fatigue
    • Enjoy every moment (good and bad)
    • Be comfortable winning or losing
    • .......And much much more
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Our Director, Dr. Gildston, is a certified Approved Consultant for the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) and has helped a number of professional athletes—as well as lay athletes like you and she--to minimize or eliminate kinks in performance as well as maximize strengths.


  • Our Center is the place for you if you have one or more of the following troubles:
    • Concentrating when you study.
    • Blanking out or experiencing panic when sitting for exams.
    • Having to read the same text page several times before you "get it."
    • Not knowing how to handle a seemingly hostile teacher.
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They will help you learn how to :

  • Calm and focus your mind
  • Conquer distraction
  • Overcome fear
  • Maximize performance
  • .............and much much more

Our university professors—like Dr. Gildston—have helped students in all grades--from kindergarten to graduate, law, and medical schools.


  • For all ages and sexual orientations , we teach you how to :
    • Find potential dates or mates.
    • Present your true self in the best light.
    • Make a profile for on-line dating that brings the best.
    • Question and sharpen first impressions.
    • Recognize, handle, and separate from a no-win or dangerous partner.
    • Understand and cope with rejection and unwanted affection.
    • ..........and much much more.
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Our Director, Dr. Gildston, has served as a Personal Coach for more than 20 years. She can help you smooth out the knots.


  • We teach you how best to:
    • Insert humor into situations
    • Tell a joke
    • Recount a funny story
    • Create humorous figures of speech
    • .....and much much more

Our Director, Dr. Gildston, whose first profession was stage acting with an avant-garde theater group called “The Living Theater,” can help you learn to use humor to disarm and lure friends and lovers.

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